Congratulations to

Mayor Elect Nicholas Nissen



To The


Nicholas Nissen

Thank You for Your Support!

Dear Hinton Residents,

I want to express my sincere gratitude to each one of you for your support during this election. Winning is a shared victory, and it wouldn't have been possible without the backing of our incredible community.

Our success is a result of the collective efforts of neighbors, friends, and family who believe in the potential of our town. From lending a helping hand to spreading the word, your contributions have made a real difference.

As we move forward, let's carry this spirit of unity and collaboration. Together, we can continue to make positive strides for our wonderful community.

Thank you for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve as Mayor. I am eager to work together to build on our strengths and address the needs of our town.

Looking forward to a bright future for Hinton!

Best Regards,
Nicholas Nissen
Mayor Elect

What Happens Next

The journey doesn't end here! We invite you to join us for a special moment as we embark on the next chapter together. Please mark your calendars for the Swearing-In Ceremony for both myself as Mayor and for Concillor Elect Chambers, scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, at 4:00 PM. The ceremony will take place at the Civic Center.

After the Swearing-In Ceremony, my first official duty will be to present long-term service awards to many of our volunteer Fire Fighters, which is another excellent opportunity for our community to show support for those who serve.

You are all invited to join us as we officially begin the work ahead. Let's celebrate this milestone and the future of Hinton together.

In the coming weeks, we will be transitioning away from the campaign webpage and contact information. We'll keep you informed about where to find us in the future. Additionally, we'll be reaching out directly to those who contacted us during the campaign. Your feedback and ideas are valuable, and we want to ensure a direct line of communication as we move forward.

Thank you once again for your support. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, November 21, at 4:00 PM at the Civic Center.

Best Regards,
Nicholas Nissen
Mayor Elect

About Me

When I was 18 I spent my last $80 on a bus ticket from Edmonton to Grande Prairie and a Whopper meal at Burger King, all for a job in the oil patch. Thankfully for me, those were early boom times and it worked out...

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Looking forward to the future

I’m running for Mayor because I want people to be able to look forward to the future. It seems that there’s a lot of doom and gloom out there in the public discourse, and not a whole lot of hope lately. I believe that we have everything we need in a place like Hinton to have good jobs, good education, and good livelihoods. As a town we are both big enough, and small enough to make sure that no one gets left out. This will take leadership, and a hopeful vision of the future...

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In the Media

Media Image 1

And then there were two ... for mayor

The Hinton Voice

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Media Image 2

Award-winning rescuers praised for selflessness, determination

Comox Valley Record

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Get in Contact

I am interested in meeting people in person as much as possible. To set up a meet an greet, or to simply ask a question or introduce yourself send an email to the address below.

I've heard from a lot of people how important that is was that they could contact the former Mayor. Given recent events with social media (just ask Yellowknife residents), I think that it is important to use the right tools for communication. During the campaign I will post official statements to this website. I will also send email updates to each of the appropriate lists of contacts from the emails listed under Get Involved.

I value your digital privacy. This website uses privacy protecting analytics from Plausible Analytics. In addition to protecting your privacy as a website visitor, should you choose to contact me via any of the listed email addresses on this site, I utilize Proton Mail to provide a fully encrypted inbox and contact list. I won't share your contact information with any third parties, I will simply use it to keep in contact.

Finally, with the state of spam being what it is in this world. Please send me an email with your contact information, and maybe a little introduction of yourself. That way I can put your address in my "safe list" so that I will always recieve your emails.